Saturday, January 14, 2006

Why this blog?

I already have one blog titled 'My Frequency' then why put this blog?

My original intention for blogging was to document all kinds of new technical things I learn. Because hacking takes hell lot of effort in learning new things. But now that I have published that blog's link to all my friends, I don't like to bore them by posting debug information which most of them are uninterested in. Hence I am starting this blog which will hopefully serve my original purpose of blogging. The tile itself is enough warning of things to come.

Besides I don't want to keep my debug posts locally on my machine. This realization came to me when last week a Ubuntu Lite installer CD wiped my entire laptop clean with almost no warning. So I am keeping all my documets on internet from now on. That's the most reliable backup media I guess.

So keep 'tail' -ing this blog!!!

I hope to update this one more frequently.


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